DSE SOFTWARE PUBLISHING & SOUTHEAST SOFTWORKS ANNOUNCES "VB/EXTENDER 1.0" for Microsoft(R) Visual Basic for Windows CHARLOTTE, NC. -- June 22, 1993 -- DSE Software Publishing in cooperation with SouthEast SoftWorks announces the release of VB/EXTENDER 1.0, a powerful extended function library for Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows. VB/EXTENDER 1.0 includes such routines as full bit manipulation (Is Set, Toggle, Clear, etc) for integers as well as long integers, ASCII Character testing, low level DOS routines to allow you access to many DOS interrupts previously not available to VB programmers, Get Version functions (DOS, Windows, OEM), Date and Time functions in numerous formats, Drive and File information, in and out port functions, 'LPrint' function, Shifts, Rotates, Swaps, etc. Even after all of these routines VB/EXTENDER includes 3 Dimensional graphics output routines! You can now add the professional look to your program that you have been wanting! Full Shadowing, Full Color control and never having to manipulate the forms settings at all! STANDARD FEATURES ASCII Testing Routines - IsItAlpha, IsItAscii, IsItAlnum, IsItCntrl, IsItLower, IsItPrint, IsItPunct, IsItSpace, IsItUpper, IsItHexDigit, IsItDigit, IsItGraph. Disk Routines - FlushDiskBuffers, SelectDisk, GetCurrentDisk, GetVerifyFlag, SetVerifyFlag, GetDefaultSectPerCluster, GetDefaultSectSize, GetDefaultNumClusters, GetDefaultDriveType, GetDrvSectPerCluster, GetDrvSectSize, GetDrvNumClusters, GetDrvType, GetDrvSize, GetDefaultDriveSize, GetBootDrive, GetClustersFree, GetDriveFree, GetDirectory, GetMediaType. Hardware Routines - Get80x87, GetProcessorType, KeyboardType, NumFloppies, NumComports, NumLPTs. Operating System Routines - GetDosVersion, GetOEMVersion, GetOEMSerial, GetWinMode, GetWindowsVersion, GetTasksRunning, GetFreeHeap, GetLargestBlock, GetDosEnv, GetWinDir, GetSysDir, GetExeUsage, GetExePath. Date and Time Routines - GetSystemDate (Numerous formats), GetSystemTime (Numerous formats). File Routines - GetFileSize, GetFileDate, GetFileTime, GetFileAttributes, SetFileAttributes, GetCFileTime, GetCFileDate, SetCFileDateTime. Manipulation Routines - BinS2I, BinS2L, Bytes2Int, HighByte, LowByte, HighWord, LowWord, Int2Long, MaxI, MinI, MaxL, MinL, MaxS, MinS, MaxD, MinD, SwapI, SwapL, SwapS, SwapD, IsEvenI, IsOddI, IsEvenL, IsOddL, LRotI, RRotI, LRotL, RRotL, LShiftI, RShiftI, LShiftL, RShiftL, BitSetI, BitClearI, BitToggleI, BitSetL, BitClearL, BitToggleL, IsBitSetI, IsBitSetL, Int2BinS, Long2BinS, SwapBytes, SwapWords, IsPrimeI, ToggleBitsI, ToggleBitsL, OctS2I, OctS2L, HexS2I, HexS2L. Windows Routines - lbTaskList, lbScroll, lbFindFile, floatWindow. normalWindow, RebootSystem, RestartWindows, QuitWindows. Windows Graphic Output Routines - Draw3dText, DrawArc, Draw3dArc, DrawEllipse, Draw3dEllipse, DrawRect, Draw3dRect, DrawRRect, Draw3dRRect, DrawPie, Draw3dPie, DrawChord, Draw3dChord. Misc. Routines - LPrint, Inp, Out, InpW, OutW, PrintInit, PrintStat, BLPrint, HalfTone16, HalfTone256. AVAILABILITY VB/EXTENDER 1.0 sells for $24.95 and includes DLL files compatible with VB/WIN 1.0, VB/WIN 2.0 and VB/WIN 3.0, a disk-based User Guide tutorial, Windows(R) compatible online help file, and demos. Contact: DSE Software Publishing Post Office Box 96 Willits, CA 95490-0096 Voice: (707) 459-4358 DSE Online! BBS: (707) 459-4484 GEnie: DSE.SOFTWARE CompuServe: 75250,2663 InterNet: 75250.2663@compuserve.com dse.software@genie.geis.com FidoNet: 1:125/123 1:105/330.7 ### DSE Software Publishing, founded in 1987, specializes in providing high technology - low cost software development tools for the professional programmer. Microsoft, Windows, and Visual Basic for Windows are trademarks or registered trademarks belonging to Microsoft Corporation.